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Professional Photographers of Cape Cod Logo

Ready to complete the PPOCC application?

Spend a few minutes giving us a bit of information and you''ll be on your way to becoming a new member

New Membership Application


1. Enter your information in the fields below.
2. After submitting the form it will be reviewed by the PPOCC board members. Payment for dues will be sent upon approval.

PPOCC Code of Ethics - Please Read & Acknowledge

“I, as a requirement for admission to and retention of membership and participation in Professional Photographers Association of Cape Cod, agree to strive at all times to upgrade and improve my knowledge and skill of professional photography, marketing and related areas. In all my dealings with users of photography and general public, I will:
• Strive to present all photographic services in surroundings and in a manner which reflects the highest levels of professionalism.
• Deal with all users of photography and the general public with honesty and integrity.
• Not use any marketing or competitive practice which violates any Federal Trade Commission, or other Federal or State regulatory agency rule or regulation, or Federal or State statute or any decision of any Federal or State Court; and
• Strive at all times to produce photography and photographic services in accordance with the highest levels of professionalism.
• In all dealings with fellow professional photographers, I shall share the knowledge and skill of professional photography.
• Support efforts for and assist in the education of all interested persons and the general public in the art and science of professional photography.”


I have read and understand the PPOCC code of ethics and agree to abide by these standards as a condition of membership.

~ All membership applications are subject to PPOCC Board approval.
~ Annual Membership begins January 1st. and ends December 31.


by Professional Photographers of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA - All Rights Reserved - All images on this site are copyrighted by the individual photographers listed. Images may not be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, published, or transferred without written consent. Copyright infringement is a violation of federal law and is subject to criminal and civil penalties.

The Cape Cod Professional Photographers Welcomes You!

Thank you for protecting our copyright
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